Monday, December 03, 2007

Leap of Faith..

In fairytales, the hero takes a reckless and risky leap into the unknown. They decide to light the dynamite even though the cave is filled with gunpowder. They propose to the beautiful maiden, even though she's already engaged. And they always land on the other side, whole and complete, flashing their white, white teeth.
Just goes to show you how decieving some fiction is.
Because sometimes, when you take a risk in real life, you fail miserably. You end up, just barely, on the other side, crumpled, with broken bones. Or you don't land at all. And it's numbing. You feel stupid for ever thinking it would work out. Idiotic plan.

On a lighter note, the weather was much nicer today, all warm and rainy and lovely. Big, fat full drops, that fall on your head and dampen your hair comfortably. I love the fall..


Demi said...

there is the possibility that you will land on the other side whole and white teath f;ashing.
although, most things can happen in fairy ta;es they are a personification of hope.
just sayin...............
helicopter was extra hovery today.. do you agree?

Miss Pip said...

Yes. Very. I was telling my mum about him this afternoon, and she is at loss for what to do.

TYLER said...

who is helicopter??? I like this concept... the whole story book stereotype...

And I love Tori Amos -- My mom likes her alot too!