Monday, August 23, 2010

I think this will sum things up.

This week, I:
  • Completed my Youth Symphony auditions. And wore blisters into the back of my feet as I paced outside the judgement room. But I had the power of chamomile tea and anger and months of the hardest practice in my fingers, and guess what? For the first time ever, I wasn't nervous.
  • Took a rather unplanned trip into Oregon, hanging out in Portland, wherein, I bought a pretty kick ass purse and some school supplies. Twas super fun.
  • Ate half a container of Au Natural Jiff with a spoon. By myself. And it was glorious. How my mother can possibly have kept this beautiful spread from me, for all these years, eludes my logic.
  • Played D and D with my family and played a character that wasn't a lithe elf, human or half elf. But a mighty and adorable dwarf. Her name is Aisling. Please don't ask me how I pronounce that. At this point, I truly don't know.
  • Ate only eggs and cheese for about three days. Also Jiff.

And so much more. Not a bad bit to end summer with, though I still have a week left. And half a container of Jiff. And some kittens. Hmm. Yummy.


Kaitlin Backus said...

Mmmm, peanut butter covered kittens! Delicious! Hahaha, just kidding, I don't really eat cats. They're much too bony. And by Jiff, you do mean Jiff peanut butter, right?
To me, it sounds like your whole summer was full of adventure. At least more than mine:) I'm glad your second to last week was a good topper as well. I think mine was too!

Anonymous said...

Piper. You are amazing

Demi said...

No, no, no. You've got it all wrong. It is kitten covered peanut butter.

Sean? Is that you? As anonymous?