Friday, June 17, 2011

Seattle Trip

A couple of weeks ago, North and I headed down to the city. We took buses and made many transfers. It was scary. But we had a lot of fun.

This is the little "Fix-your-coffee-you-splenda-fiend" kiosk inside of Zeitgeist Coffee. I had played a show here once and the aesthetic is identical to mine. I love everything about the place and could take photographs of everything and post them all. But I didn't because a) I don't want to bore you further to tears b) it's really hip and slick in there and I didn't think they'd appreciate my tearful gesticulating and picture-snapping. In any case, if you're ever in my city, you should check out Zeitgeist. It gorgeous and the coffee is zingy.

North and I are both playing Fallout: New Vegas lately. It's a really good game, in case you were wondering. Anyway. I wanted this poster-thing to hang somewhere. But I figured that anyone serious enough to hang such a poster on the outside of a building could probably kick my ass in the event of me stealing said poster. So I left it.

Look it's a bird. A blue bird on a brick wall. Sounds like a haiku waiting to happen!

"A blank space on a brick wall,

put a bird on it,

and don't let anyone see you,"

Finally, North and I got this thing that allows up to three people (3!) listen to the same iPod at once. And it looks like a tree! On the way home, we were listening and North fell asleep while listening. I didn't really notice until he shot up from his seat, gasping for breath. Shostakovich was screaming into the headphones. I felt bad.

We'll get the hang of it.


Kaitlin Backus said...

It sounds like your venture in Seattle was lovely. I need to invest into one of those headphone things! I like the 'tearful gesticulating and picture snapping':) Great post as always!!

Unknown said...

I've never been to Seattle- I should go. I want to try coffee at Zeitgeist! ANd I really like the bird/haiku. X

Demi said...

I'm glad you and North went. That sounds nice. We need to go soon and have some of our own adventures! :)

Sean said...

That sounds like a wonderful trip! :) And i'd love to try some of that coffee, I'll keep my eye out for it. Also, is that Iron and Wine I see on your iPod? :)