Tuesday, April 01, 2008

city escape

Sorry that my promised Easter Post hasn't come yet. I haven't forgotten, I'm just having some problems getting a hold of the pictures that I want to include.

If you play a video game, you should play Myst. It is so fulfilling and beautiful. I'm playing Revelations (The fourth) right now and I'm delirious, it's so pretty and mind boggling. And gamespot rated it 8.5 so.. Ha.

Today I went into the City. It was cold, but the sun made everything fresh. I watched pigeons waddle daringly close to humans, only to claw into the air as chubby hands reached too close. I discussed suicide, on the side of a bridge with my brother. We both agreed that if we ever became sad enough to even contemplate suicide, we would definitely not jump off a bridge which gave way to a highway. I ate mango licorice, and dried fruit rolled in coconut. I went shopping in a funky thrift store and beheld just about the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. I left it behind. Where would I wear it ever? I watched a young father push his twin infant children on swings. I read some of The Pilot's Wife by Anita Shreve. I rummaged in my mother's bag for her sunglasses so she could see in the Bug. I walked through the market and watched the performers, wondering if maybe my brother and I would be in their place this summer.

It was a wonderful, amazing day.

But throughout the fantasy that was today, I could not help but be interupted by that strange little longing for you to show up, for some reason, in the same city.


Demi said...

I love the City too. The culture is stunning, the architecture striking, but above all i love the smell, the sights, the sounds, and the textures. It really is a beautiful thing.

TYLER said...

ugh, the concept of being able to walk down the street just to walk looking sophisticated, rather than a hoodlem. Just the overall effect of a city. the people who all have purpose, and the feeling to get things done. the gathering of everything important.

and 2032 is the year I want to run for president. TYLER2032

Demi said...


Miss Pip said...

Oh my god. Praise the computer lord!

Shari said...

Those damn Brasil spammers! Don't trust them. I like that particular city, too. And may I say, write something for Gods Sake!! :)

Demi said...

you totally need to post more often!!!