Friday, January 04, 2008

Year in review

Yes, I know New Years was awhile ago, but that doesn't mean that I can't post resolutions still right? This year privately, I came up with this.
  • I will try finally, to stop biting my nails.
  • I will practice cello more religiously.
  • I will get Lorielye to level 30!
  • I will start putting out material creativity, instead of just keeping it bottled up inside my head, waiting to have something done about it.

If I need to add on later I will. I'm dreading the interview and related paper I have to do. Why would you ever give students homework over winter break. Doesn't that send you straight to hell? I mean that is a wonderful example of bad karma right there.

My sister got a video camera for her birthday, (The third birthday in December in my household, which makes for makes for a stressful holiday season..) While trying to set it up, my Mum found movie maker and proceeded to make a movie. Here it is, it's basically our year in review. I'm really quite proud of her.

1 comment:

Bobo the Wandering Pallbearer said...

You can tell yer Mom that her Year in Review was a big hit with some whacko across the pond. Cheers!