Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spring Break

Spring break has been lovely. Made three trips to the city. Once with my family, the first day we've had off together in a long while. And then with Sean and Demi. We went to some of the same places my family had gone only a couple days before. And then just yesterday I went again with some friends from school. We'd been planning to go for awhile and it was nice. We brought food for each other and I ended up making peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, which I made at midnight the day before. There is something to be said about nocturnal cooking.

I also went to the Olympic National Forest for a hike, with Demi and another delightful girl from school. It was really nice to be somewhere totally cut off, although it does make you panic a little, the realization that you couldn't just call someone to make everything better. It made me feel very vulnerable. But a good kind of vulnerable.

Tomorrow we will be going to the beach to stay for a couple days. I will spend much of the time composing I think, but that's okay too. I have a big composition due on Tuesday next week. I have faith that I will be able to complete it, but right now I just don't feel up to it at all. Maybe I'll start my venture into productivity by packing first and then starting up on my actual work.

But first I have a blog post to write. I'm looking forward to the market starting up again. That means that Summer will not be far behind. Weird to think that I have only about two months of school left. But it will be full. I have a full recital of solo piece to prepare for and other concerts besides. And five more papers. And everything in between. It doesn't make me want to leave the safe harbour pf spring break. But I'm sure I will get used to it once I have started up again.


Lexa said...

You can do it. I know you can.

Kaitlin Backus said...

Your spring break indeed sounded lovely. And I definitely agree with you about Summer coming scarily close. Crazy how fast the year goes by... :)

Demi said...

The ocean?! We both will be basking in the glory at the same time! :) Have fun!! :)