Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentine's Day

Just in general, I love holidays. I think I'm attracted to themes. Colors, symbols, traditions. The habitual aesthetics of holidays make me happy. I love looking forward to thing like that, too. I'm the kind of person who save her chocolate bar for days, hoping that it will taste better for waiting longer.

I like to bring things to school. I have such lovely, good friends and it's a good time to give them stuff. And it satiates a crafting craving for me. There's the Halloween party, obviously, and the subsequent handing out of invitations in October. In December I handed out little linen bags of peppermint candy. I made Valentine cookies this year, which totally was not what I had planned (Octagonal Yellow Chocolate Lollipops were the original objective. But, alas, chocolate dyes are utter crap and turn your melting chocolate into a gritty mess.)

I got a satchel of chocolate and a temporary tattoo on Valentine's Day, which I hid in my secret stash of magnificent candy. Which is, by necessity, hidden where no one can ever find it. God forbid.
Doing a lot of cello, but extra curricularly. Now that Solo and Ensemble is over, I've had everything that I was saving for afterwards is upon me. I'm doing a show at the Peabody Waldorf, with a band from my school. The frontman (is that what you call them?) wrote everything. He's come up with a lot of new content lately and it's pretty fantastic. So unapologetically different. It's refreshing. And we got to come up with some pretty cool cello riffs.
I also have Young Chamber Players concerts coming up. I'm playing a Mozart flute Quartet (with North). And I mean. You know. It's Mozart. But I'm also playing this gorgeous piece by Prokofiev. It's called Overture on a Hebrew Themes. It's a really fun and exotic piece. But it's really quite difficult, so I have to crack down on that quickly.
I want to go to the City so badly. I can actually feel it in my belly. I haven't been in a long while.
My family has been so busy lately, with so many musical obligations and renovations to the house and science fair. It will nice when we get a chance to just be around each other and go on some sort of adventure. Especially my parents. They are working really hard. They deserve a break.
Anyway, Happy Late Valentines Day. Hope yours was splendid!

1 comment:

Demi said...

This blog post is my small, but needed escape from SIX 13 year-olds.

...There is so many of them....