Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Cello Day

Today, on my way to my Cello Lessons I stopped at a drugstore to grab a Jones Soda. I was going to forgive the bottlecaps for their misleading info. Until, I popped open the cap. No fortune. I turned to the label. There it annouced that The Jones Soda Company was hosting some sweepstakes thing. This annoyed me, because on their original wrappers they promised not to hold any million dollar sweepstakes and what do they do? They hold a million dollar sweepstakes.

But on the plus side I did not have to face Starey. Starey is a parent obsessed with her genius child, and every time I go into my Cello Lesson she stares me down like I'm some kind of prey. It's creepy... But today I escaped Starey by arriving late. Hooray!

1 comment:

Miss Pip said...

I'm glad. I am soooo excited for saturday.