Thursday, February 16, 2012

Be Mine Valentine

Hey there. It was Valentine's Day, a couple days ago. And as per usual, I started assembling my elaborate satchels at a timely eight o'clock the night before. Embracing the full glory of the night I said "Yes, this is the right time to start icing shortbread,"

And shelling teabags. I should mention, that while attaching homemade tags to teabags may seem like a relatively easy task, it is something to be avoided in the future. It is a dangerous endeavor to be sure, and far more consuming than you would ever imagine. And days later, my hands are still making little scuttling motions, stripping imaginary teabags of their packaging.
Be forewarned.

Classes are settling back into their normal patterns. I'm trying to stay on top pf everything, like a hawk. If hawks studied action potential in neurons. Which they might. Who am I to say? 

1 comment:

Sean said...

My valentines this year were sketches of realistic human hearts cut out of red paper. The tea bag idea is a brilliantly adorable idea, very Foulon/Piper. :) I do hope you get better very soon!