Firstly, let's look at this utterly beautiful girl.
I don't like to be one of those sisters who is gabs about how awesomely beautiful their family is (even though they are). I seriously don't. But sometimes this one takes me by surprise.
Anyway.School got busy and then trailed off. We had our orchestra concert, which went well even though the cellos rushed terribly. Many papers have been due. Registration was a couple days ago. And now it feels like the end of the year. Sunday marked my last youth symphony concert of the season. From now on, I'll be working at the market on Saturdays. Which is nice. I miss it.
Speaking of registration: I went to a registration sleepover on Thursday! Which constitutes a social outing. Maybe I won't be a hermit when I grow up. Anyway, the sleep over was lovely. We all got up super early in order to get to school and line up so that we could get the classes we wanted. It is one of the most stressful mornings of the year. Almost more than Solo and Ensemble morning. I was literally shaking until twelve. But everything worked out. I have all the classes I need, including some that I just wanted: Demi and I are going to be in both Creative Writing and American Poetry together! For a whole semester! With wonderful dedicated teachers!
I find it weird that I will only have two musical classes next year. All year. I'll practically have more writing classes than cello oriented one. Then again, this has been a very cello heavy year. Not that I've minded. It's made me a better player. And I love cello more than ever.
I'm editing Theory out. I guess that's the big change. Although Theory/Composition has really been a struggle for me, I think I'm going to miss it a little. I really liked my last composition and finally felt like I was getting somewhere as a composer. I guess the end of the term doesn't really mean I have to stop composing. Maybe I'll write some more pieces over the summer. We'll see.