Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas and Bits

Hope everyone had a delightful holiday. Mine was quite lovely; though we mostly lazed about all day, me drinking gads of tea and watching my brother play this game..
Side Note: The game is called Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and it is very, very good. Not so much for the single player campaign, which, if you are familiar with the series, is just more of the same, but for the multiplayer game, which is ridiculously addictive. Let's just say there is sneaking, backstabbing, chasing and customizable avatars involved and leave it at that.

Also, there is definitely a character that looks strikingly like Mr. Darcy/Matthew Mcfayden

I got some lovely things for Christmas. A little tea wallet to store the copious amounts of tea that my parents bought for me from England (My favorite is the Yorkshire Gold, in case you were wondering) and a little plug in electric heater that you can just toss into a mug of water and zap into a boil. I am, as I mentioned to someone the other day, practically a walking tea shop. Which suits me just fine.

I also got a sweater and a dress and some nice long socks to wear with boots, and a bunch of really good books (as usual, Sean has been doing much research in this department) I really enjoyed Hunting and Gathering. Like really. It's catapulted itself into one of my favorite books of all time. The characters are so good and pitted with real flaws. Just so lovely. I'm reading Shipbreaker right now, which is by the same author as The Wind-Up Girl, which I mentioned before. I think for now, I prefer the latter, but we shall see.
Today is Abbie's Birthday. We are planning on going out to a bookshop all morning and lazing about there. And hopefully dropping by the grocery store. I am seriously running out of cream and I find that a little bit daunting. How is that even possible. I swear we had an extra cartonful.
My little cow creamer has an empty belly for now.

And one last thing, I wanted to show everyone. We celebrated my birthday here a couple weeks ago and I got such lovely gifts and I wanted to show two of them, because I wear them everyday.

The first is a locket given to me by my aunt. You can't see obviously but there's a very beautiful picture of my mother and her in there. I carry them around with me, and I know it sound terribly stupid, but I makes me feel better.
The bracelet was given to me by my mother. She has a very similar one that is gold that her father gave to her when she was about my age. It's blends in perfectly with the ranks of other bracelets on my wrists. But the important part is that she got it engraved at the little stand in Portland, "The Stars of Each Night," which is part of a poem she writes in notes to us when we go away, or some boy breaks my heart, or I have an audition or something.
Anyway, it was just beautiful and it made me cry and I'm a wuss.

Hope everyone had a lovely holiday and has a good new year. Try to keep warm!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Letter to My Future Partner

Hey boy,
How are you? Notice I used 'how' instead of 'who'. In this respect, I am learning to be patient. I hope you are doing well. Maybe you're in high school still, though somehow I doubt it. It seems more likely that you are few years older than me. We'll see.
I addressed this to a partner, because even though sometimes that word is awkward and people at the PTA meetings give you funny looks, I don't need to be married to you. It might make things more convenient, certainly, but I think we'll know, without the law telling us, that we are devoted to each other. And maybe you're not into marriage. Maybe you come from a divorced family. You're probably not religious. Thus, partner.
A lot of the time, I think I have a type of boy in mind. Clever, honest, and creative. This is what I am drawn to, in my seventeenth year (My birthday is December 7th, boy. Don't forget it.) But obviously this changes: I have learned that I have hard time dealing with the upwardly mobile, or at least, the overly ambitious and that I find tempers extremely unattractive. I suppose really, it won't matter because I'm hoping that everything I want and every flaw that I can handle with manifest itself in you, so I don't really need to determine anything. Really, I'm just talking in my hat here. Moving on.
Just so you know, I want children. Not a ton of them. Three maybe. But there will be babies, boy, mark my words. Not right away. And if there are problems, we'll adopt. But children are a must and I am not willing to negotiate on these terms. Naming said spawn, is an entirely different matter. Your opinion in this and every other matter is precious, even though sometimes I am sure it will piss me off that you take the opposing stance.
Speaking of which, I hope we fight about important things. I don't want to quibble with you. Bickering is exhausting. Although our arguments can't be too all encompassing. That can break things too. We'll find a balance I am sure, if we have both picked carefully enough.
I am a little frightened of the world. There are opportunities out there that I don't want to miss. You, for example. And I've only got one chance. So if I falter and wander for a little while, I appreciate in advance, your patience. Really. I know that it will be hard. I will try to focus quickly.
Anyway, I guess I can't wait to meet you. I'm not really looking very hard right now (Teenage boys feel very young), but I'm preparing. I'm getting good grades, and trying to be a decent, benevolent person. I'm playing cello like a maniac. I'm molding a girl that you will love someday. And that's pretty exciting.
So I guess I'll see you soon. Be good and safe, boy.
I love you,

Friday, November 26, 2010

Holidays Ushering In

Have you noticed that my house seems to be home to an astounding array of decorative birds? They're everywhere I turn.
Thanksgiving holiday runs for a week at SotA so, I've been home all week. But then it's been snowing too, so my younger siblings got to stay home as well. It's been nice. I've been drinking lots of tea and getting work done and catching up, a little bit, on my reading. Again, now I have left from a mighty pile of homework is music theory. How does that always seem to happen?

Thanksgiving was lovely. It was just my immediate family and we ate and they played board games (I don't play most board games on principle, something that drives my Dad and my brother nuts) and then later a scary video game downstairs (Also, not my idea). Everyone was happy and full and tired and it was just a good day.

Earlier in the week Demi and I took the train into the city (which was freezing) and spent the day poking in and out of shops, trying go quickly from store to store in order to stay warm. It was lovely if surprisingly tiring day. We laughed at some ridiculously overweight pigeons.

Today my sister and my Mum and I walked down to a park in search of some very specific pine cones. We looked through two parks to no avail. Dismayed, and cold and tired we decided to walk into town and find some tea, and then, just as we turned the corner, we saw the tree and the pine cones we needed. We shoved twenty in a plastic bag and went to go get some celebratory tea anyway.

We went to this little tea shop down town and I just about died. Seriously. You could order scones and a pot of tea, which had a tea cozy (!) and then there was this little gift store where you could buy the same tea and tea cups and pots and any kind of tea paraphernalia you could possibly want. It was just perfect. I want to go there for my birthday, which strangely is in just eleven days. I don't when that happened. But I'm excited anyway. Anyway, it was a beautiful place. I'm going to take my friends there soon.

I'm a little frightened by the encroaching finals week. I've been doing all the work that I can to ensure that it isn't as awful as it was last year. We'll see though. There's only so much I can do. It'll be a race until the end, probably as usual.

Monday, November 08, 2010

Earth Treasures

It's been awhile, hasn't it? In my defense, I've been super busy. I had Concert Preparation Assessments at Youth Symphony this last weekend (ie. personal hell), which pretty much forced me to become a recluse for the week. In retrospect I probably seemed a little funny. Holed up in my room, nastily shooing anyone who interrupted me. I apologize. I get a little worked up. And I had two important essays due and a book to read and a prelude to write. And Halloween. Oh God Halloween.
Just scary stuff. But it's over now.

I went to see Sufjan Stevens on the thirtieth. I cannot impress upon you how much I loved it. It was so perfect. He was playing a lot from his new album the Age of Adz (Which is the only thing I have listened to for the last week. Nothing else.) I've gotten to the point where I can't even distinguish my own feelings from that of the music. He inspires that level of empathy. There are songs that still continually bring me to tears. Seriously. It is just so beautiful.
The songs are about heartbreak, at least to me. And I think he's been hurt really badly. I hope he gets better.

I'm writing a piece in Music Theory that I actually enjoy, that actually makes me happy.I haven't really had that happen. It's a prelude as I mentioned before, which is basically a big long chord progression with the same rhythmic patterns over and over again. I added some seventh chords and quite a few diminished chords in there as well. Should make things interesting. I have to turn it in on Tuesday.

It's getting really cold. And the leaves are really starting to turn, delighting me. Although I love Halloween, I'm excited to get to the more relaxed holidays. I'm already starting to find items from Christmas. Abbie is particularly easy to buy for.

I really wish I could take songwriting two next semester. I can't, my schedule is just too full. But it would be nice. I like songwriting. But I'm not very good at either piano or guitar so that makes things difficult. It's weird to play a bunch of chords on the cello. Maybe that could be my winter project? Learning to play piano or guitar a little?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

In the Slate

It is cold, on the sand, and windy. The moons hangs like a incandescent fruit in the sky. They run, full pelt, out towards the waves, which are somehow not as threatening in the night. She sinks into the sands, watching them, running, laughing and loving each each other assuredly. They reach out and it is there, grasping, and constant. She rubs the rim of the coffee mug and smiles as they call out her name. She shakes her head, even though they won't see her in this all slate world. Not right now. They shrug and run farther, faster until in the distance she can't tell which of them is which. But she can still their laughing.

And they are so happy. Lucky to wake up in the morning, clinging to the images of their subconcious and letting willingly go, because in realityit is so much better and they are yours, yours, yours.

To belong to someone, she thinks. And maybe it's because she doesn't but she thinks that it is the most beautiful thing to be in the world.

She lies back in the sand and strains to hear the laughter, which has moved away farther still. And for now, she thinks, maybe listening is enough.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Afraid of the Dark

I am trying so hard not to do my Music Theory homework right now. My entire body is rebelling against the thought of it. And so it is that a new blog post is born.

I just finished reading a book called "a Crooked Kind of of Perfect" by Linda Urban. It's a children's book, meant for fifth graders, but I loved it. It was very poetic and the characters were all very human. It was just so good. You should read it. I've also been listening to two wonderful songs: Your Ex-lover is Dead by Stars (which was recommended to me eons ago by my friend Sean, and which just recently got around to listening to) and Wait It Out by Imogen Heap. The former uses strings prominently and well, which I always appreciate, and the lyrics are terrific. The latter is a song on Ellipse which I got in the early summer, if you recall. I just kind of glazed over it because I'm not overly fond of the beginning, and am just now discovering it. It's lovely once it gets going.

I'm trying really hard not to procrastinate, and to be efficient. I think it's working, though this blog post is no indication of it. It's hard work and a lot of late nights but it makes me much calmer and happier in the long run. And it allows me to enjoy my truly free time much more. But this week has been difficult. I had a school obligation on Thursday and then I had a dance on Friday (Which was fun; lot's of great music) and then, on Saturday there was symphony and a gig and I ended up wandering the aisles of Uwajimaya Village in Seattle, buying tea and almonds with my family. I couldn't really edge in time for work. I will pay for it at nine tonight when I'm still doing counterpoint.

Last weekend, my Mum ran a half marathon. She did really well and I'm very proud of her. She is like solid muscle, I tell you. The anti-me. The run was in Bellingham, and afterward we went into Fairhaven and had lunch and hung out around there. A lot of my parent's courtship took place there and I think they enjoyed seeing it again. They got engaged nearby as well. We bought the October edition of Martha Stewart Living and I read it cover to cover soon after. It's a good'un. Made me want to go back and read some old October issues.

Hey remember when I had a kitten? Yeah. I still do. Except, now, it's a girl and it's name is Ellie. I'm not really sure what I think about this. The whole I-am-the-owner-of-a-rodent-slaying- warrior-cat thing. But she purrs when I pick her up. And sits on my shoes in the morning. And plays with the camera lasso when I'm trying to take halfway decent photo of her. I'm not saying I'm a cat person or anything. She's just kind of nice to have around. Sort of.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Just so you know,

I told you so. I told you these next posts would be few.
But I have a few quick things to say and photos.

First of all, these guys have been invading the house lately. I don't they're very smart, though, to me, they're name suggests that they are: Crane Fly. I think they get in the bathroom and the the shower steams up the room and they get discombobulated, because they hop around sluggishly and barely register your presence. I saw a drowned one the other day and it made me sad.

I love my school supplies. My journals are all moleskine. And my pencil box is an old tea tin. Which is appropriate because 90 percent of the liquid in my body is tea. Coconut Chai. Gingerbread. Pumpkin Spice. Fall teas that I can't get enough of. Speaking of which, I am embracing Autumn fully. I have waited so long to bring out my long dresses and sweaters and the time is finally here. And it's nice to feel rain on my head.

I just finished the Hunger Games Trilogy and I haven't been able to get it out my head. I just keep on reading the epilogue, making sure everyone who lived through the three book is still okay. It's a brutal group of books. I think it really demonstrates the monstrosity of war. No one is sacred. People die violently and unnoticed. I didn't even really like the third book, Mockingjay, but I spent all of Saturday holed up reading it because I just needed to know what happened. I didn't want to have to wait for the ax to fall.
And boy, did it.

School has been good so far. Maybe not everything I expected of it. But good. I'm working very hard to stay efficient and to do my homework on the night it is given rather than a day later when I absolutely have to do it. I'm pretty tired. But it mostly worth it.
Speaking of which, I'd better go iron my clothing for tomorrow. Talk to you guys later.

Saturday, September 04, 2010


I just want to warn you people. The posts aren't going to last. Their days are numbered. School is here, and with it, numerous obligations. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Working on some old and new pieces right now with cello. Sonata in A major by Franck is what I learned a few years ago. It's a beautiful piece, my favorite movement being the fourth. Very emotional. I like Jaqueline Du Pre's recording if you get it into your head to pick it up. The Lalo Cello Concerto in D minor is what I'm currently concentrating on and I'm learning the first movement of that right now. It's more dramatic than anything I have ever played before. Seriously, I didn't think a cello could make that much sound. Certainly not mine.
Going back to school is simultaneously exciting and wearying. I love to see people that I know, interesting funny focused people. But I've been a recluse for much of the summer and it makes it a little difficult to hold coherent conversations with people I haven't seen in a while. I'll get into the swing of things soon though. At least I'm hoping that's the case. As for the school work, I'm a little daunted. I'm starting to remember the nights of sprawling music theory homework. Of projects being finished at 3:00 in the morning. But it's all part of the process I suppose.

I watched the Princess and the Frog with my sister this morning. Have you seen it lately? It's adorable, one of the best Disney movies I've ever seen. By far my favorite Disney prince. I think the draw is the philandering, insulting bastard bit. But I'm just musing.

I also read this short story. Again. It's called All of Summer in a Day by Ray Bradbury. It is a remarkably well written and beautiful piece. It spans only a few hours, and yet encompasses so much. Please read it.

I'm looking forward to the changing of the season. The sun makes me want to shrivel up. But the rain makes me feel alive. And I'm looking forward to Halloween. I have a plethora of ideas for costumes. I think I may have decided well enough to actually start working on it.

Friday, August 27, 2010


For some reason, I've been feeling a little sad lately. I don't know what came over me. It's not the end of the summer. I'm looking forward to school. I hope it goes away though. I'm tired of being weepy. Maybe I'm just tired. I don't know.

I've been reading more lately. The first from the top was lent to me by a friend. It's a fascinating account of the Bach Cello Suites, when they were written the mysterious composer, how they were brought out of obscurity by the famous cellist Pablo Casals, and finally how the author himself found the suites and decided to write a book about them. I loved it.
The second is about the Siege of Sarajevo. I hadn't actually heard about it before reading this, which is shameful, I know. I just shy away from news and from history sometimes because, it kind of makes me feel ugly to be a human. We do such terrible things to each other sometimes. Anyway, the book is about hope and humanity and living in a war zone. It was beautifully written. Beautiful. I found it kind of reminiscent of the Book Thief by Markus Zusak and if you haven't read that one, well, you should.
I just bought The Wind-up Girl. I'm very excited about it. It describes a future in which calories represent currency and people are grown and used as slaves. The reviews are all stunning.

I've been buying some tea from this woman, the Harbor Herbalist. She's the most lovely lady, very well educated on the medicinal uses of herbs. She tells me which teas to buy and I go home and try them and she's right and then I go buy more. It's a wonderful system. My favorite of the three is strength, a kind of tonic tea. I drink it all the time and it's been one of my first ventures into loose leaf. I love tea culture. The history and the weird little shops full of bags and tins.

I got a henna tattoo at the market as well. It's was darker now, but it's an umbrella, can you see? I love it. The woman who did it was so talented, said she's been henna-ing people for fifteen years. She's very good at what she does. I like the way it kind of looks like a birdcage at the top.

Well, that's it for now. I think I'm going to go work on my school supplies. Bye.

Monday, August 23, 2010

I think this will sum things up.

This week, I:
  • Completed my Youth Symphony auditions. And wore blisters into the back of my feet as I paced outside the judgement room. But I had the power of chamomile tea and anger and months of the hardest practice in my fingers, and guess what? For the first time ever, I wasn't nervous.
  • Took a rather unplanned trip into Oregon, hanging out in Portland, wherein, I bought a pretty kick ass purse and some school supplies. Twas super fun.
  • Ate half a container of Au Natural Jiff with a spoon. By myself. And it was glorious. How my mother can possibly have kept this beautiful spread from me, for all these years, eludes my logic.
  • Played D and D with my family and played a character that wasn't a lithe elf, human or half elf. But a mighty and adorable dwarf. Her name is Aisling. Please don't ask me how I pronounce that. At this point, I truly don't know.
  • Ate only eggs and cheese for about three days. Also Jiff.

And so much more. Not a bad bit to end summer with, though I still have a week left. And half a container of Jiff. And some kittens. Hmm. Yummy.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Poem, for which I apologize in advance

In the sun spattered,
and soaked day,
restless and petulant,
I wait.

Make efforts to keep,
the images in my head,
(those of walking,
head down)
from speaking to me.

Don't make a mind,
for him,
that isn't his.
Don't slather your skin,
in hyperboles and

These would be
well worn missteps,
and I know better.

armed with the idea
that this may only be
I face a clear day,
as though the sun,
is finally
coming up.

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Vanilla Mint

More trending going on with my life. I'm unknowingly pairing with peppermint and vanilla all the time. I just found a packet of cocoa in the cupboard: White Chocolate Vanilla and Peppermint.

I think I might have been swindled into buying all three of these. I went to the cash register at Bath & Body Works with just the lemon and left the store with the other two and a rather heavy booklet of coupons. Also, I think I may have given them my phone number and email address.
Anyway. They're great. The lemon one tastes like Lemon Pound Cake but without the guilt.
Gosh. I should be in advertising.

I've started making my school supplies. Two of the binders I will be using this year are finished and I'm very happy with them. One of them is finished , but it's purposeful and determined ugliness irks me to no end. I might just start completely over. But last night, while watching Arrested Development, I made this little pouch to hold the nick knacks that fall inexplicably to the bottom of my bag.

I don't know if you can see in the picture, but those are adorable green polka dots on that fabric. I got it from Wal Mart. And I'm ashamed, because there's a great fabric store across the street that probably would have been worth the effort. But Wal Mart held up astoundingly well selection wise.

I'm off to Centralia for a couple of days to spend some time with some very old friends. It is going to be a blast. I can't wait to see them and spend some time on the farm where they live. It's beautiful there. Maybe I'll take some pictures and show them to you when I get back.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

This is where things get a little weird

So much has gone on in the last little bit. It's been a tad bit insane.

First of all, Sean, Tyler, Demi and I took this wild trip in Bandon, Oregon. Tyler has some family there. It was a small, convoluted and simply wonderful little town. It was on the coast too, so we got to spend some time on the beach (Although I still won't touch a bathing suit with a ten foot pole)
I really tried to keep the number of photos down to a minimum. But it was bloody difficult. There were just so many cool ones.

I kind of picture a barber shop trio going on here. Tyler on bass. Sean a tenor. Demi as our blossoming soprano. Sorry. That analyzing went past the point of being sane. I apologize.

We ate at the restaurant owned by Tyler's grandfather. The food was absolutely amazing. Seriously. It took all my non-carb eating strength not to eat gads and gads of food. All of it.

The suite we were staying in was utterly gorgeous. Seriously. I could fill an entire blog post with the pictures I took of the suite alone. There were clouds painted on the walls of this room. Clouds! Lovely, fluffy, billowy goodness goin' on right there.

And then, almost immediately after that leisurely trip down into Oregon, I was off to music camp with my brother. Thankfully I had no camera, so you will be spared any pictures.
As usual, camp was a lot of work. My fingers and upper arms are still sore, and I keep on waking up with nightmares about CPA's (Concert Preparation Assessments). But at the end of the week, I felt accomplished. And I got to hang out with some of the coolest, most genuine people I know. For a whole week. It was awesome. And bonus! I fell in love with the Elgar Cello Concerto.
It's weird. I'm going to be going back to school in a matter of weeks. But I'm okay with that. I'm perfectly fine with it. I've had a fulfilled summer.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Post of Celebration

I'm deleting my illegitimate facebook today. The one someone else created for me. I've been using it to stalk one person. But today that all ends.
Really, it just got to the point where it wasn't worth it anymore. My mark did not appear to have a whole lot going on (online anyway).
I, however, do. I painted four doll house chairs a couple days ago. They turned out nicely, I think. I'm not much of a painter though, which is funny, because both my parents are talented in that field.

I'm writing this post with Arlo in my shirt pocket. His eyes are wide open. They have been for a about three days. He was being kind of bratty a few seconds ago when Kelly passed by, because she gets all protective. But now that she's gone, he's calming down. Little dork.

Y'know what I always forget that I love? Magazines. I love how you forget that you were anticipating them until the arrive in the mail. I love the length of articles, how they're never long enough to make you bored, but just long enough to get you hooked. I'm particular to Martha Stewart Living, but hell, I love Game Informer too. If anyone has any recommendations of magazines, I'm thinking of buying a subscription or two.

It's about halfway through the summer at this point. I'm starting to get to the point where I feel like it would be okay to go back. At Junior High, that usually didn't occur to me until about the third week of school. It's a really nice feeling to enjoy school. I'm taking great classes too. It's going to be a great year I think.

Yesterday was my busiest day of the week. I work two markets and both of them are very busy. Between shifts though, I hung out downtown on my own. It was actually really nice. I bought coffee and poked around some of the shops (I ended up buying a white ruffled shirt, though not before I tried on the most unflattering dress I have ever beheld) and then ended up at the library, where I met a couple of people that I knew. I had a great conversation with Kenzie Jo, who will be at SotA next year, and then had a lovely night working with my family and Demi Dawn.

I bought my Mum some gorgeous flowers too. I actually was eyeing a more purply pink bunch beforehand, but then someone snatched them up and ran away cackling and stirring a cauldron. (I do not know how she managed this) I actually felt better though, I had been debating between pink and white (both had the purple covered) and so the lady made the choice for me. I think ended up with the better bunch though. Look at the elegance!

Monday, July 12, 2010

I'm just going to continue to pictures of stuff I'm doing

When I slow down, I get restless. Between work and other obligations, my summer is slowly being eaten up. But it's okay. It's a full, fun summer and I'm learning a lot about myself, strangely.
For instance, I've found that I have a more willpower than I expected. At least, that's what the cheesecake sitting in my fridge has been telling me.
Anyway, restlessness. So I find myself spending my precious free time being really productive, at least creatively. It's nice. I'm making things that I have been meaning to work on for months.

For example:

This is the case I made for my parasol. I don't know why I did it. I guess I just love the idea of a long thin case stuck under my arm. And it's lacy and pretty, what's not to like? Now the sun has permission to come out, so I can use this thing.

I've been trying to be a good little socialite lately. It's not working out very well. I forget to email people back. Or arrange things properly. And when people call me, I have to explain each little busy moment. I think sometimes they don't believe me. Which is understandable, when they then log on and see a bunch of photos of hats I've been making, I guess.

Working on a short story right now. I have one scene left to write, and is by far the most pivotal and delicate. I have to be very careful. I won't post it here. It's about fourteen pages long right now and I don't want to bore anyone. I still have to do a lot of editing as well. There are still some snags. The female protagonist is named Sydney Jones. I love her and her name. But y'know, you're supposed. And the main protagonist is Adrian Cleary. By far the main character. But I'm not all that into the name. Sounds like a pretty boy. It does sound like someone I know. Actor maybe.

Oh. Maybe that's why. Huh

Anyway, I'm just struck by how much I suit a writerly lifestyle. I love getting up in the morning and writing for a few hours, refilling my coffee cup as needed. I enjoy being self motivated. Setting goals for myself. "I'll write 1,000 words and then I'll take a break". I know that being a writer isn't a likely occupation for me; it's so determined by luck and aggressiveness, but sometimes, I really wish it was more possible.

The kittens have opened their eyes. I suppose now they'll start being a little more active. They're lazy for now. There's this one, that whenever I try to pick it up, it start yowling and screeching. Thus, I've started calling it the "Screamer", though usually with a prefix of swearing.

There is a little tabby one, though, that I quite like. I mean it's quiet. And it's still a cat, so don't get any ideas. But, y'know, it's pretty nice. Sort of.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Post of Obligation

A post in honor of my dear Demi.

But also because I want to post, of course.

I noticed a couple days ago, that I am very partial to this avocado green and white combo, as evidenced by the items about. No doubt, when I am older, this will be all over my house. That and milk glass.

I love me some milk glass.

I started work on this hat, last week. It originally had an ugly navy ribbon plastered onto it with a hot glue gun. As you can see, I've remedied that problem with a nice length of robin brown ribbon. Martha would approve I think. But the hat was missing a much needed pizazz.

Enter felted flowers. They're elegant. They're quirky. The coaster has nothing to do with them except that it provides a nice backdrop. I didn't actually felt them myself. But I love them just the same. So I put them on my hat.

The model, who has recently been going by the title La Pip didn't feel like taking a whole face shot, saying something about the integrity of the hat. I think she's full of shit, frankly. I think she's just being overly modest.

In other news, our cat, promiscuous at best, has recently given birth to a litter of five kittens. They're cute, I guess, for cats. I don't know what we'll end up doing with them. Abbie is very much in favor of keeping them, though I don't know what she'll think when they organize into a rodent killing army.

We'll see I guess.