The materials you are going to need are:
- Crayons in Shades of Pink, Red, Purple, Orange, and Browns
- One Garbage Bag
- Iron
- Ironing Board (Sorry, Not pictured)
- Scissors
- Ribbon
- Wax paper
- Hole punch
- Sharpener
- Sharpies
- Two Dish Towels (Sorry, Not Pictured)
The first step is to set up your space, so, lay the garbage bag over you work area.
Then, to cut out two 12x12 pieces of wax paper. They don't have to be exact.
Put one piece of wax paper aside and start to peel some of the label off each of the crayons.
Over a one of the pieces of wax paper, sharpen the crayons. Spread the shavings out on the wax paper.
Try not to get the shavings too close to the edges; They'll bleed out when they melt.
Next you're going to put a dishtowel down on you ironing board ( you might want to use some scrubbier towels for this project, just in case) and place the crayon shaving covered waxpaper on it, without disturbing the shavings. Good luck. Also, start heating up your iron.
Remember the other, thus-so-far neglected, piece of waxpaper? Use it to cover the shaving covered wax paper. That didn't make much sense. Oh well. Be intuitive. I bet you can figure it out
Now, Cover up the waxpaper and crayon shavings sandwich with a dish towel and start ironing over it. Make sure none of the waxpaper is touched by the iron. Bad things will happen.
This is what the wax paper will look like once you have run the iron over the wax paper for awhile:
After the waxpaper has cooled, bring it over to your workspace again. Draw the outlines of your valentines with a sharpie.
Then cut out your valentine.
Once you have it cut out, take the hole punch and cut two holes near the top. Try to get them as close together as possible.
Then you're are going to cut some ribbon and poke each end through the holes.
Push the two ends of the ribbon through the loop that is formed. Pull the ends, forming a slip knot. Be careful, the paper is fragile.
Finally, using a sharpie, add your Valentines message.